Bring on summer, the sun, the heat, and water toys that keep us cool! We are loving the hot weather, but to make it even more enjoyable, we have found some great items that allow us to have fun when out in our backyard.
We love visiting my parent’s pool, but the items listed below have been a hit this summer when we are at home, too! If you are looking for a few more water toys to add to your summer backyard fun list, check out our finds below. Our top 7 most loved purchases (in order, of course) include:
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#7 Dinosaur Pool & Sprinkler
The twins just got this pool for their fifth birthday. As you can see they both fit in it, can splash around and keep cool, but it’s not huge. We would have gotten use out of this pool starting at a much younger age, but they still love it!
- Great for small spaces
- Easy set up and put away
- Sprays water from every angle
- Does not use an excessive amount of water
- Cute design

#6 Goggles
The twins give these goggles two (or should I say four) thumbs up. They wear them in the pool, through the sprinkler, in the bathtub, and sometimes just for fun around the house! We have had them for over a year and they are holding up perfectly!
- Easy to put on and quick adjustment
- Comfortable
- Durable
- Comes in a 2-pack

#5 Sprinkler
When I say our adorable little guy is tough on toys, I MEAN IT! We had a sprinkler for years before he was born… Unfortunately, it didn’t last long once he realized how fun it was to run through it. “Dad what happens when I step on it?” The answer is, anything not “Sully-proofed” will break! So off to Amazon to find a more durable option, and this one definitely delivers. The video on the product site shows an adult male standing on it… add to cart!
- Durable
- Great range
- Customizable spray patterns
- Simple set up and put away
- Small and does not take up storage space

#4 Splash Pad
If you have been looking for a splash pad, this is hands down awesome! The twins love to crawl under the cascading water, dance in the middle, practice their baseball slides, splash in the middle, and fill up their water guns with the sitting water! Everyone in the family can fit on this splash pad to cool down and enjoy water wars!
- HUGE! It is 11 feet!
- Shallow splash pool fills up
- Quick set up and put away

#3 Water Guns
We have bought our fair share of water guns the last few years, but these are our favorite. The twins are able to reload their water-guns without assistance, which is a huge benefit! The five nozzles also soften the blow of a direct hit to the face, which any parent knows is bound to happen. They also have great distance, which may or may not be viewed as a benefit.
- Easy to use
- Comes in a 2-pack
- Long-range
- Light weight
- Durable
- Perfect for water wars

#2 Water Tables: Rain Shower Splash Pond & Spiralin’ Seas
Our kids have loved water tables so much that they have been playing with one at our house and a different one at my parent’s house for the last 5 summers. They are equally fun and provide hours of entertainment.
- Durable
- Great for small spaces
- Does not need excessive water
- Sparks imaginative play
#1 Water Slide
This is absolutely, hands down, our favorite backyard water item. If you’ve been on the fence about getting one, DO IT! There is nothing better than sitting back and watching the twins squeal in excitement as they get their energy out on this slide! It’s the perfect size for our two kids and we’ve had up to 5 on it at one time.
- Hours of fun
- Durable
- Easy set up and take down
- Slide, pool, cannon, tunnel
Stay cool this summer!